` Chinese Food -- Zhejiang Cuisine
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Zhejiang Cuisine


Photo of Zhejiang Food

Zhejiang cuisine derives from the native cooking styles of the Zhejiang region, comprising the styles of Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, and Shanghai. Zhejiang cuisine is not greasy, and has a reputation for freshness, softness, and smoothness, with a mellow fragrance.

All styles of Zhejiang Cuisine are characterized by the careful selection of ingredients and elaborate preparation, but each style is noted for its special flavor and taste and has its own specialization in ingredients.

Flavors — Fresh, Tender, Smooth

Hangzhou food tastes fresh and crisp, varying with the change of season. Ningbo food is a bit salty but delicious. Specializing in steamed, roasted and braised seafood, Ningbo cuisine is particular in retaining the original freshness, tenderness, and softness. Shaoxing cuisine offers fresh aquatic food and poultry that has a special rural flavor, sweet in smell, soft, and glutinous in taste, thick in gravy and strong in season.

Famous Dishes

Zhejiang cuisine's famous dishes are: Dongpo pork (东坡肉), shelled fresh shrimps cooked with Longjing tea (龙井虾仁), fish cooked in vinegar gravy (西湖醋鱼), sweet osmanthus-scented cooked lotus root (桂花糖藕), and beggars’ chicken (叫花鸡).

Dongpo pork Fish cooked in vinegar gravy Wweet osmanthus-scented cooked lotus Beggars’ chicken